The real problem with discrimination, to which you seem to be blind is exactly this kind of generalization. Which feminists are those? Do you believe that they represent feminism as a movement? Most feminists I know are solidly against pornography. I do know that there is a certain kind of "new" feminism out there which supports women who use their bodies for profit, but you are wrong if you believe that all feminists condone this.
I do believe that women should be allowed to use their bodies, if they so wish, but it should be an actual choice, not something they are pushed into directly or indirectly.
Also, please check this:
It's an older survey and perhaps things have improved more recently, but it's telling that 40% of women stated that they were discriminated against in various ways at work. In Greece, where I live, I know for a fact that not only are women in managerial positions fewer than men, but they are also paid less. The "by choice" argument is a trap. The reason why fewer women choose to claim higher paid jobs is not just because they are afraid of the responsibility (perhaps some might be), but because they will be more antagonized and scrutinized than their male counterparts, and for lower wages. It's adding more stress in positions where there is a big amount of that already. Why should they do it, and be forced to sign agreements about not having children to boot?
And let's not even go into sexual harassment in the workplace. We have the privilege of being able to work (or going out for that matter) without worrying what we should wear or if someone will try to push themselves on us and claim that we "asked for it".
Of course there will be people who attempt to take advantage of a social movement to further their personal goals. It's almost the very definition of politics.