Tessa, there are almost two billion Muslims on this planet. Do you suggest killing them all and how does that make you any different from a Nazi? The first step towards genocide is dehumanization of "the other".
There is plenty of horror to be found in the Bible. Plenty. ""Go in and clean house, and don't leave anything breathing! Don't leave a donkey, child, woman, old man or old woman breathing. Wipe out Jericho."
It's all a matter of interpretation and there are very fanatic Christians, Hindus and Jews out there. Even Buddhists. Are there more fundamentalist Muslims? Probably so, but thinking that penning people like animals and bombing them has zero effect on them literally goes against science.
"So, using the same methodology, America is a socialist country because some people in it are socialists. Or America is a country of crooks, criminals, etc. because Trump is a crook/criminal." These are your words. How can 1.8 billion people be condemned because there are some fundamentalists among them?